1. How may I "bank" and exchange/trade my Club Donatello Regular Time for use in other resorts?
The Club Donatello Owners Association is currently affiliated with several different exchange companies, and this is to provide you with more flexibility for use of your Regular Time. The organizations involved are separately listed on our WEB page at www.clubdonatello.org, in our Guest Services books in each of the 45 Club rooms, and on a separate information sheet that can be provided to you at any time via email, FAX, or mail, or in person when you are at the Club Donatello.
To view a few of the Exchange Companies we work with, please click
here. You may choose to work with any one of these, or all of them, the choice is yours. If you wish to bank your Regular Time and exchange/trade it, please consult the specific directory of information that each of these companies will provide to you upon completion of your membership with them. Each of them have some similar rules and procedures for banking, exchanging/trading of time, and they also have some differences as it relates to flexibility for uses of this type of timeshare exchange, including the splitting of time, and the types of resorts with which they are also affiliated in different parts of the world. There is sometimes a charge for your membership in these organizations and for various trading/exchanging transactions, so you should investigate each of them and determine which one is going to work best for you. The Club Donatello does not in any way control or manage any of these companies. The Club Donatello Reservations Department works with all of these organizations and can also answer many of your questions based on our experiences over the 38 years that the Club Donatello has been in operation.